Hi Milind,

The critical difference here is that subscribe =>
File[$old_launch_agent_path] does NOT tell Puppet to watch for changes in
that file on disk.
Instead it will run that exec if Puppet itself is managing that resource
and makes changes to that resource. In other words,
File[$old_launch_agent_path] has to be in the catalog, and it only fires
when it's out of sync and Puppet makes changes to it. Something like the

$old_launch_agent_path =

file { $old_launch_agent_path:  <----------------------------------┐
    ensure => file,                                                |
    #...                                                           |
}                                                                  |
 exec { 'stop-old-program':                                        |
    command => "/bin/launchctl unload ${old_launch_agent_path}",   |
    refreshonly => true,                                           |
    subscribe => File[$old_launch_agent_path], #   ----------------┘

On Thu, May 21, 2020 at 10:06 AM Milind Vaidya <kava...@gmail.com> wrote:

> *Background*
> Puppet Newbie, trying to maintain some old puppet version on a box. The
> aim is to unload an old program using it's old plist file and start new
> one.
> *Problem*
> I have following code in .pp file
>     $old_launch_agent_path =
> "${home}/Library/LaunchAgents/com.company.program.plist"
>     exec {
>       'stop-old-program':
>       command => "/bin/launchctl unload ${old_launch_agent_path}",
>       refreshonly => true,
>       subscribe => [ File[$old_launch_agent_path] ];
>     }
>     *Error: Could not find dependency
> File[/Users/executer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.company.program.plist] for
> Exec[stop-old-program] at
> /private/tmp/mobile-puppet-manifests/puppet-manifests-test/modules/program/manifests/init.pp:51*
> The changes are on a git branch and are being applied *`sudo puppet-apply
> -d -f -b mac-upgrade`*
>     ls -l /Users/executer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.company.program.plist`
>     -rw-r--r--  1 executer  staff  999 May 19 14:36
> /Users/executer/Library/LaunchAgents/com.company.program.plist
> Stack overflow link :
> https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61938607/debugging-puppet-error-could-not-find-dependency
> --
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