
In case someone else gets tripped up by this, when upgrading from 6.8.0-1 
to 6.9.0-1 on Ubuntu 18 (and possibly other platforms) the sense of 
*strict_hostname_checking* changes. Previously it appears it was set to 
*false* by default.
This means that a node manifest like ...

*node 'my-lovely-node' {*
*     stuff*

... will work. But with the upgrade it changes to *true* meaning the above 
will not work (and chaos ensues).

After the change, if you don't set strict_hostname_checking to false in 
puppet.conf for the Puppet master, you will need this ...

*node 'my-lovely-node.mydomain.com' {*
*     stuff*

Not a biggy, but I wasted half an hour or so one Saturday morning because 
of this. Hopefully if someone reads this before upgrading they can save a 
similar minor irritation.


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