Yup, that fixed it. Thanks for the help.


On 2/10/20 4:53 PM, Ramin K wrote:
Looks like single quoting params is causing the problem. This passes validation

  class { 'cis::iptables::configure':
    level => $level,
    type  => $type,
    roles => $roles,


On 2/10/2020 12:38 PM, 'Prentice Bisbal' via Puppet Users wrote:
Is this legitimate puppet code? I'm trying to pass arguments instead of using global variables (ie, don't keep looking them up in hiera).  This syntax works elsewhere, but I've yet to use it within a class. When I run 'puppet parser validate', I get an error.

class cis::iptables (
   Integer $level,
   String $type,
   Array $roles ) {

   include cis::iptables::install
   class {'cis::iptables::configure': 'level' => $level, 'type' => $type, 'roles' => $roles}   #This line    class {'cis::iptables::service': 'level' => $level, 'type' => $type, 'roles' => $roles}       # and this line

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