On Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 11:23 AM Yvan Broccard <yvan.brocc...@gmail.com>

> Don't forget the "user", "group" and "owner" parameter. For example, from
> one of my manifests :


>   -> vcsrepo {'oracle-scripts':
>     ensure   => 'latest',
>     path     => "${hvs_oracle::oradb::admindir}/oracle-scripts",
>     provider => 'git',
>     source   => 'ssh://git@git:7999/infra/oracle-scripts.git',
>     identity => "${oraclehome}/.ssh/id_ed25519",
>     revision => 'master',
>     user     => 'oracle',
>     owner    => 'oracle',
>     group    => 'oinstall',
>   }
When I don't use the "identity" parameter things work okay (even without
the user, owner, and group parameters.)

The errors I'm seeing are directly related to git (via puppet) not using
the specified key for authenticating. I don't think I'm seeing issues with
the user, owner, group.

Thank you for the reply,


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