It's been two weeks since the last Bolt update and what a two weeks it's

In that time, we've completed our move from Jira to GitHub for tracking
Bolt issues and work-in-progress. If you want to follow what we're working
on, you can now simply consult our project board

We also just released Bolt 1.30 (*thirty*!). You can check out the full
list of changes in our shiny new file

This release has some helpful improvements to output and other fixes, but
the highlight is definitely the new pluggable puppet_library hook. This
satisfies an extremely popular request to be able to customize how Bolt
installs Puppet on systems when you call apply_prep().

By default, Bolt will use the puppet_agent::install task to install the
very latest version of Puppet. That's great if all you care about is
getting Puppet on the system so you can use apply(). But if you're using
Bolt alongside an established Puppet deployment, you probably care a bit
more about which version of Puppet gets installed and where it's downloaded
from. You may also want to do some additional configuration. With the new
puppet_library hook, you can do all that and more!

For instance, you can use the puppetlabs-bootstrap module to install a
Puppet Enterprise agent, connected to a specific puppet master.

# bolt.yaml
    plugin: task
    task: bootstrap
      cacert_content: <cert>

This task will download the puppet-agent package from the master, install
the agent, and configure it to connect to that master. It will even
validate the master's certificate using the given CA certificate ensuring
mutual trust.

We'll be improving this feature even more in the future, adding the ability
to control the user it runs as
<> and letting the built-in
puppet_agent::install task control whether the service starts

We've got a slew of other exciting features that will be landing soon,
including a generic task-powered plugin system, a rework of the Target API,
and a plugin to generate inventory from Azure VMs.

That's all for now! Tune in next week for an update about our plans for
Bolt 2.0.

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