Le 30/08/2019 à 15:56:22+0200, Albert Shih a écrit
> Hi
> I've got a super weird problem with some module. I've a role who include
> some other module let's say
>   roles::service {
>     include profiles::brick1
>     include profiles::brick2
>   }
> If I launch the puppet agent it's not working because the puppet agent
> doesn't install anything every package ressource are ignore (no error
> message, nothing).
> If I comment out the second line
>   roles::service {
>     include profiles::brick1
>   }
> run the agent a first time, then run with
>   roles::service {
>     include profiles::brick1
>     include profiles::brick2
>   }
> every packages are installed, and everything work fine.
> I just can figure out where are the problem inside profiles::brick2.
> What inside a module can block every package ressources (event
> ensure_package doesn't work) ?

So find out....

Answer to myself if anyone got this problem too.

Inside brick1 I have a module who change the shell of user root. Because
it's little complexe to create the right chain of requirement I didn't
create the require for installing the bash package (on Freebsd the default
shell is sh and we need to install bash as a package).

So if puppet change the shell of root to '/usr/local/bin/bash' but this
shell does not exist, then package does nothing without any error.

I'm going to create a bug report event I not sure it's a bug, but no
message that's weird.


Albert SHIH
Observatoire de Paris
xmpp: j...@obspm.fr
Heure local/Local time:
Tue 03 Sep 2019 10:08:20 AM CEST

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