I have some belief that I've successfully assembled the various bits for 
'puppet-runtime' (v6.4). Now Im trying to build the puppet-agent (also 
At the end of the runtime build I have these 4 files:

-rw-r--r--  1 pocl root   514 Aug 11 12:53 

-rw-r--r--  1 pocl root  2538 Aug 11 12:52 

-rw-r--r--  1 pocl root  4752 Aug 11 12:53 

-rw-r--r--  1 pocl root    99 Aug 11 12:53 

In the agent build files "puppet-agent.rb" appears to be looking for a file 
called "#{proj.settings[:puppet_runtime_basename]}.settings.yaml'  but I 
don't see any reference to this in the runtime Makefile. 
Im trying to work around this omission but am wondering what to use for 
these settings:  

  proj.setting(:puppet_configdir, File.join(proj.sysconfdir, 'puppet'))

  proj.setting(:puppet_codedir, File.join(proj.sysconfdir, 'code'))

  # Target directory for vendor modules

  proj.setting(:module_vendordir, File.join(proj.prefix, 'vendor_modules'))

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