I'm having an issue with puppet repeatedly attempting to mount resources 
which are configured as bind mounts on one of my nodes.  Here is a copy of 
the relevant lines from my manifest.

$koji_fedora_releases = ['28', '29', '30']

$koji_fedora_releases.each |$release| {
    ['released', 'testing'].each |$tag| {
        mount { "/pub/fedora/org/${tag}/${release}":
            ensure => mounted,
            device => 
            fstype => 'none',
            options => 'rw,bind',

The agent is able to successfully apply these resources however it attempts 
to remount the directories every time that puppet runs.  For example, here 
is the output on the agent side.

current_value unmounted, should be mounted (noop)
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/candidates/30]
Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/candidates/30]
current_value unmounted, should be mounted (noop)
Info: /Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/released/30]: 
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/released/30]
/Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/released/30]: Would 
have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Info: /Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/released/30]: 
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/released/30]
current_value unmounted, should be mounted (noop)
Info: /Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/testing/30]: 
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/testing/30]
Notice: /Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/testing/30]: 
Would have triggered 'refresh' from 1 events
Info: /Stage[main]/Site::Fileserver01/Mount[/pub/fedora/site/testing/30]: 
Scheduling refresh of Mount[/pub/fedora/site/testing/30]

These lines are repeated for each bind mount resource.

How does puppet actually verify that a device is mounted?  The source 
directories *are* mounted and I'm able to access data in each directory 
without an issue.

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