We've made some more progress integrating Puppet 6+ Deferred lookups with 
Vault for secrets storage.

The basic principle we've used for the isolation is to upload and sync a 
Puppet TLS certificate per host, and lookup the relevant keys under there 
for the secret storage.

vault write secret/test1.exampledomain.com policies=test1.exampledomain.com
vault kv put secret/test1.exampledomain.com
echo "path \"secret/test1.exampledomain.com\" {capabilities = [\"read\"]}" 
> test1.exampledomain.com.hcl
vault policy write test1.exampledomain.com test1.exampledomain.com.hcl

We can then see the above working on the client with this code -
$mysql_root = Deferred('vault_lookup::lookup', ["secret/
test1.exampledomain.com", 'https://puppet.exampledomain.com:8200'])
notify {mysql_root: message => $mysql_root}

What we can't figure out is how to reference the KV pair inside a Puppet 
manifest as a parameter. Eg, in YAML:
mysql::server::root_password: "%{something wonderful happens here}"

Any ideas?

On Tuesday, October 9, 2018 at 11:12:39 PM UTC+11, comport3 wrote:
> Mentioned in the Puppet 6 release notes are the ability for a client to 
> lookup secret data from Vault.
> Is there any more info on how to implement this?
> I have done extensive work on POC environments that use Vault as a top 
> level in Hierarchy and mark the secrets as 'sensitive' so they do not 
> appear in logs and reports, but do not want to continue deploying this 
> methodology if it's not the way the technology is headed.
> https://github.com/comport3/puppet5-hiera-vault-poc

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