
I'm working on migrating my puppet 3.7 environment to puppet 5.5 (Debian

How are folks serving private per-node data in puppet 5? (i.e. ssh keys,
apache cert and key, etc.)

In both puppet 2.7 and 3.7 I've used:

$ cat /etc/puppet/fileserver.conf
# This file consists of arbitrarily named sections/modules
# defining where files are served from and to whom

    path /etc/puppet/environments/production/private/%H
    allow *

Have things changed since then? Are there better (or more idiomatic) ways
of serving up private per-node files?

Ideally I would also be able to use the environment to adjust the mount
point. Hand-wavy magic:
    path /etc/puppet/environments/%E/private/%H

Hiera has support for top level variables. Our ENC exposes the environmentt:

Thanks for any hints, help, or discussion!


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