I have been asked to set password for a user so it is unique on every 
single host we support. I have a script that generates the password and I 
had pulled it in via a generate call. The scripts takes in two of facter 
values to be used to aid in generating the password. 

$myvar = generate("/bin/sh","myscript.sh"."value1","value2")
user { 'bob':
     password => "${myvar}",

This value is coming in as expected. When I pass it to the password => block 
it gets set as expected. Cool, but then it isn't. 

Each time puppet runs for the host, it keeps changing the user's password 
hash even though the hash from the script is the same as that on the host. 
Even that could be acceptable, except, these hosts are audited for password 
changes. Root being shown as updated every puppet run fails the audit. 

When I define it as a static hash aka '$1$salt$ab12k3oa01ksf01810' it 
doesn't keep resetting the password

Notice: Local environment: 'production' doesn't match server specified node 
environment 'passfix', switching agent to 'passfix'.
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for tlistmrrh511.myhost.net
Info: Applying configuration version '1539886469'
*Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::mypassword/User[bob]/password: created 
Notice: Applied catalog in 4.52 seconds
[root@tlistmrrh511 ~]#
[root@tlistmrrh511 ~]# puppet agent -tv
Notice: Local environment: 'production' doesn't match server specified node 
environment 'passfix', switching agent to 'passfix'.
Info: Retrieving pluginfacts
Info: Retrieving plugin
Info: Loading facts
Info: Caching catalog for tlistmrrh511.myhost.net
Info: Applying configuration version '1539886484'
*Notice: /Stage[main]/Users::myassword/User[bob]/password: created password*
Notice: Applied catalog in 4.36 seconds

I have tried a number of ways to get this work inside puppet without using 
exec. Searching on this came up with creating custom facts to get the hash 
or hierra, which we don't use, to do this step. Having user hashes 
available as a fact won't pass an audit either. Basically this all needs to 
happen on the Puppet master and be pushed to all clients.

It seems that Puppet has a way to compare the old has with the new one when 
the hash is put between ' ', but I'm passing in a var.

I don't see any indication of why it is failing the comparrison. I have 
even set passwd => generate(... and it behaves the same way. 

What am I doing wrong here? It is quite frustrating.  


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