Again great response thankyou for this. It is actually an upgrade from 5.x 
but I will try out the proposed solutions and let you know how I get on. 

On Monday, 1 October 2018 18:24:50 UTC+1, Maggie Dreyer wrote:
> The new `puppetserver ca` tool makes requests to the CA API (specifically 
> the `certificate_status(es)` endpoints), using the master's host cert for 
> authorization. The master's cert is created with a special extension 
> authorizing it to talk to those endpoints, allowed via a rule in 
> `auth.conf`. A permissions issue would be expected in an upgrade scenario, 
> when the CA files and master cert were created by an old Puppet Server, 
> that did not add the new auth extension to the cert. However, I think you 
> said this was a new install?
> Some things to check:
>    - That these two rules exist in your `auth.conf` file (located by 
>    default at `/etc/puppetlabs/puppetserver/conf.d/auth.conf`): 
>       - If they don't exist, you can add them.
>       - That your master cert has the required extension. To check this, 
>    run `openssl x509 -noout -text -in 
>    /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/<master_name>.pem`. In the output, look 
>    for these two lines:
>>                 ..true 
> If the cert doesn't have the extension, your best bet may be to
> 1) stop puppetserver
> 2) delete `/etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/*` on your master (assuming this is 
> still a test setup and no agents are relying on the existing CA setup) 
> 3) run `puppetserver ca setup`. This will generate a brand new CA with all 
> the certs in the expected state for a Puppet 6 Server.
> 4) restart puppetserver
> From here, the command should be usable, assuming your `auth.conf` is 
> correct. You will have to also delete the SSL files on your agent node(s) 
> in order to get it to talk to the new CA that you just regenerated.
> All of this should have been correct out of the box, but if you've been 
> doing anything odd in your SSL directory trying to get this to work, (doing 
> an agent run on the master after deleting some certs comes to mind) there's 
> always a chance something got messed up along the way.
> Please let me know if none of this fixes it for you. I have filed PUP-9187 
> <> to fix up the error 
> messaging that initially led you in the wrong direction.
> Thanks,
> Maggie
> On Mon, Oct 1, 2018 at 9:57 AM Andy Hall < 
> <javascript:>> wrote:
>> Hi Maggie - thanks for the reply.
>> When I run the new command this is what we get :
>> # puppetserver ca clean --certname
>> Error:
>>     When attempting to revoke certificate '
>>', received:
>>       code: 403
>>       body: Forbidden request: /puppet-ca/v1/certificate_status/
>> (method :put). Please see the 
>> server logs for details.
>> And here are the server logs :
>> ==> /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver.log <==
>> 2018-10-01T17:48:10.393+01:00 ERROR [qtp1126042654-72] [p.t.a.rules] 
>> Forbidden request: access 
>> to /puppet-ca/v1/certificate_status/ 
>> (method :put) (authenticated: true) denied by rule 'puppetlabs cert status'.
>> ==> /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver-access.log <==
>> - - [01/Oct/2018:17:48:10 +0100] "PUT 
>> /puppet-ca/v1/certificate_status/ 
>> HTTP/1.1" 403 145 "-" "PuppetserverCaCli" 6
>> Any thoughts on why the perms seem broke for this ?
>> Big fan of puppet and we really want to migrate away from 3.x so 
>> hopefully we can get this working !
>> Thanks, Andy.
>> On Friday, 28 September 2018 19:38:11 UTC+1, Maggie Dreyer wrote:
>>> Hello!
>>> For cleaning the cert on the master, are you trying to use `puppet cert 
>>> clean`? This error message needs to be updated to instead say "On the 
>>> master: use `puppetserver ca clean --certname <agent-cert-name>`". The 
>>> `puppet cert` command was removed in 6.0.0, see 
>>> and 
>>> But due 
>>> to, it doesn't always 
>>> correctly report its failure. Starting in 6.0.1, `puppet cert` will always 
>>> error helpfully information about the new alternative commands. Please let 
>>> me know if you are still having issues after trying `puppetserver ca clean`.
>>> And regardless of whether this fixes your issue, we really appreciate 
>>> your letting us know when our errors and/or docs are less than helpful. 
>>> Thanks!
>>> Maggie
>>> On Fri, Sep 28, 2018 at 11:05 AM Andy Hall <> wrote:
>>>> Just deployed a new puppet 6.0 client / server setup and getting the 
>>>> classic CSR signing issue (see details below). Please help clarify my 
>>>> understanding so I can troubleshoot this (I'm sure there's a quick fix for 
>>>> this) :
>>>> N.B. The usual "remove the SSL dir on the client and clean the cert on 
>>>> the server" is NOT working.
>>>> So I think this is what happens :
>>>> 1. The agent creates an SSL cert and sends if to the master to be 
>>>> signed - a Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
>>>> 2. The master signs the cert with its own CA and the key of the agent.
>>>> 3. The signed cert is returned to the agent which compares the keys to 
>>>> ensure they match.
>>>> It would seem that somehow the key being returned is mangled and 
>>>> doesn't match so is rejected by the agent.
>>>> This happens from the very first attempt to join an agent to the master 
>>>> and I am at a loss of how to fix this.
>>>> Here's is the request from the agent to the master :
>>>> ==> /var/log/puppetlabs/puppetserver/puppetserver-access.log <==
>>>> - - [28/Sep/2018:18:34:07 +0100] "GET 
>>>> /puppet-ca/v1/certificate/ 
>>>> HTTP/1.1" 404 65 "-" "Puppet/6.0.0 Ruby/2.5.1-p57 (x86_64-linux)" 3
>>>> - - [28/Sep/2018:18:34:07 +0100] "GET 
>>>> /puppet-ca/v1/certificate_request/ 
>>>> HTTP/1.1" 200 1622 "-" "Puppet/6.0.0 Ruby/2.5.1-p57 (x86_64-linux)" 3
>>>> And here is the output from the agent :
>>>> # puppet agent --test --noop
>>>> Info: Creating a new SSL key for
>>>> Info: Downloaded certificate for ca from puppet
>>>> Error: Could not request certificate: The CSR retrieved from the master 
>>>> does not match the agent's public key.
>>>> CSR fingerprint: 
>>>> 9A:16:DA:95:9C:FB:90:89:78:EB:01:86:21:B0:24:E1:B0:66:80:43:ED:58:0B:A5:08:9C:24:60:C8:DE:F5:13
>>>> CSR public key: Public-Key: (4096 bit)
>>>> Modulus:
>>>>     00:9c:ba:32:5e:c9:e9:72:7b:36:17:9a:aa:f6:8e:
>>>>     e2:a4:73:0a:95:4d:ae:ca:81:96:1c:02:f3:45:e5:
>>>>     6e:13:70:e1:dc:83:dc:88:96:4c:5e:40:d1:eb:c4:
>>>>     62:81:8b:9f:25:96:1a:56:1d:ba:cd:25:a8:b2:21:
>>>>     72:e6:ef:f3:63:b1:02:65:19:4d:e8:28:9e:bf:40:
>>>>     04:c7:77:21:2f:5c:d8:20:07:63:60:c9:ac:75:44:
>>>>     34:d0:bd:cf:8c:ae:31:37:8a:16:f3:08:92:a4:c1:
>>>>     66:54:53:03:be:b4:02:17:52:93:c2:eb:42:82:90:
>>>>     5d:db:b6:92:b1:ae:21:f0:e0:a6:9e:04:4e:0f:eb:
>>>>     39:2f:17:f6:89:41:3a:08:b0:13:18:ff:82:2e:20:
>>>>     cc:83:d6:67:f6:24:97:a2:8b:72:6d:c6:9c:99:cb:
>>>>     70:9d:2b:7b:bd:0a:21:0d:9d:51:7c:22:f8:d0:e3:
>>>>     cc:f7:2a:d9:e0:09:8c:1b:f5:7a:6c:69:88:5b:d2:
>>>>     32:c2:c5:d7:b3:1d:c0:8f:23:a9:50:ab:1e:9b:4a:
>>>>     cf:1e:f7:b3:de:7e:b6:b7:1e:ce:63:fd:ee:10:55:
>>>>     48:32:8c:46:65:c2:46:43:90:49:2a:d8:b0:02:96:
>>>>     19:71:e8:25:18:5f:c6:8f:79:67:36:da:03:04:83:
>>>>     e1:06:6b:29:43:51:76:52:05:c9:22:d0:39:94:0b:
>>>>     3b:07:62:66:79:d4:5a:36:af:c4:a3:2f:e1:f9:7b:
>>>>     60:1b:55:33:31:52:87:87:53:41:85:86:58:64:ef:
>>>>     32:77:8e:33:8c:8d:b3:f5:82:e2:16:a4:6c:65:f0:
>>>>     f0:10:71:98:f5:da:ae:c0:df:5f:fa:8a:58:8f:7d:
>>>>     69:4f:ea:8f:c7:36:22:f2:9f:85:30:c5:49:c6:ab:
>>>>     f4:63:16:bd:ba:5d:a2:c1:06:8a:f9:6a:9b:bc:6a:
>>>>     ee:01:2b:d2:75:cd:91:ad:a7:d1:45:e8:b6:a7:45:
>>>>     51:0b:20:3b:05:c6:0d:06:17:2d:44:a9:33:2e:51:
>>>>     b8:0b:ce:d4:db:f2:33:b9:42:3d:2b:22:1a:1e:f8:
>>>>     09:14:43:9e:f0:82:8f:c8:71:74:8d:b2:ee:37:52:
>>>>     0b:af:5c:4d:94:48:b2:94:81:32:03:fc:b5:6a:a6:
>>>>     f2:c5:59:3c:09:44:f3:57:2f:3e:11:3b:6e:6f:36:
>>>>     af:66:a6:10:e0:c7:4f:6a:74:5a:aa:48:51:62:e9:
>>>>     cd:1d:72:43:20:7a:8b:80:c9:0f:1c:14:a8:87:15:
>>>>     ee:93:95:55:9e:ae:48:4c:e0:4b:63:0b:88:00:fd:
>>>>     1f:f1:30:a7:8b:d2:42:6a:1b:89:74:eb:46:67:c8:
>>>>     32:d9:e1
>>>> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>>> Agent public key: Public-Key: (4096 bit)
>>>> Modulus:
>>>>     00:cd:0a:ab:52:c8:34:62:3c:86:49:f5:18:7c:3c:
>>>>     96:90:3d:0b:53:f9:5c:48:a6:38:e4:2c:84:4a:af:
>>>>     5a:b7:1f:93:a7:4c:e5:dd:f3:a2:52:9d:b2:39:f4:
>>>>     d3:2b:f0:8a:06:fd:f2:52:40:ec:9f:42:ed:b6:89:
>>>>     63:b0:ed:62:cf:77:91:87:27:e1:f9:0b:a5:b8:d1:
>>>>     a6:96:96:24:db:43:9f:5b:bd:8f:d5:29:d8:2b:f1:
>>>>     57:2a:46:93:ce:cc:12:d4:e9:0d:24:fc:ef:42:11:
>>>>     b8:db:a2:a3:51:23:bb:d4:97:18:a1:50:7a:7f:27:
>>>>     70:cb:95:24:3c:31:35:90:77:35:68:eb:4c:41:0b:
>>>>     1b:b3:1e:7b:2c:86:fa:72:27:3d:27:4c:71:07:13:
>>>>     6d:58:ed:95:04:69:15:4c:5b:f2:7e:8e:73:21:65:
>>>>     6e:eb:f1:64:ab:bc:67:55:1b:32:b9:1c:2c:c2:71:
>>>>     9f:06:fa:a2:61:b7:03:ec:69:f7:9b:64:21:d1:af:
>>>>     8a:ea:7b:99:48:7f:a0:27:f3:93:20:54:24:db:26:
>>>>     b0:e7:38:24:fe:52:71:3c:79:f7:62:cf:97:e1:56:
>>>>     16:35:90:2d:9e:69:c0:b7:ca:31:45:64:d7:44:16:
>>>>     8c:1c:c2:a8:11:34:a4:ce:1e:37:61:c7:bb:94:16:
>>>>     b1:e5:d7:74:70:67:56:e8:20:59:a5:12:39:01:95:
>>>>     c2:ca:09:59:0d:a3:58:0a:1a:83:27:80:55:46:26:
>>>>     46:9b:9d:69:57:42:97:b1:7d:cb:1e:a7:65:99:47:
>>>>     f4:e8:ae:72:0b:a4:10:32:68:46:8b:77:19:6a:7a:
>>>>     fa:32:3c:f8:2d:ff:cf:55:c3:43:64:3f:56:eb:e2:
>>>>     8f:be:2d:d3:ec:55:d9:df:a4:c0:f4:ca:f7:44:38:
>>>>     71:3e:1f:29:c9:b1:dc:bb:04:a1:90:ab:d9:ce:2f:
>>>>     8b:77:87:ef:fa:47:c4:8c:ce:46:60:53:5c:d2:8f:
>>>>     7f:4a:ad:ec:54:10:49:18:0f:7e:10:a9:c9:a9:5e:
>>>>     8a:ce:2e:9d:55:19:95:fc:15:f2:35:1e:c0:81:f2:
>>>>     03:39:4a:11:2c:ab:ba:0e:da:d8:eb:e7:6c:dd:17:
>>>>     33:7b:16:c1:3b:ea:99:0f:0d:10:d2:94:0c:ee:0e:
>>>>     cb:4f:91:2c:1a:a7:31:c5:23:f2:3d:13:45:a5:ba:
>>>>     66:b0:76:58:8e:4a:6d:18:66:5f:4d:d7:6d:30:5d:
>>>>     39:ef:5d:6f:1f:ab:61:68:3b:9a:80:3c:2b:8d:0f:
>>>>     84:1d:3b:4e:2c:d4:48:0f:52:c5:13:12:69:ad:0f:
>>>>     cc:78:6b:01:8e:27:10:29:81:3d:a0:5e:ec:d9:d8:
>>>>     32:f0:cd
>>>> Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
>>>> To fix this, remove the CSR from both the master and the agent and then 
>>>> start a puppet run, which will automatically regenerate a CSR.
>>>> On the master:
>>>>   puppet cert clean
>>>> On the agent:
>>>>   1a. On most platforms: find /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl -name 
>>>> -delete
>>>>   1b. On Windows: del 
>>>> "\etc\puppetlabs\puppet\ssl\certs\"
>>>> /f
>>>>   2. puppet agent -t
>>>> So the big question is this : what exactly is the CSR public key and 
>>>> what exactly is the agent public key and why should they match ?
>>>> Any help would be most greatly appreciated !
>>>> Thanks very much.
>>>> -- 
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