On 2018-07-24 03:17, Nick Hasser wrote:
I am required to configure FreeRADIUS with a white list of authorized MACs that are allowed on my network. I currently have a module that uses a file resource to drop the authorized_macs file selected by hostname of the server from my modules file directory. For example, currently server1 gets freeradius/files/server1_authorized_macs dropped into the proper location.

I am also using ghoneycutt/hosts to manage /etc/hosts on my servers. Every devices that is required to be listed in the authorized MACs file has an /etc/hosts entry managed via this module and defined in the server's yaml file.

I would like to modify my freeradius module to dynamically build the authorized_macs file based based on data in hiera instead of managing a file per server in my module. I plan to add a key to the existing hosts::host_entries hash already in place for the ghoneycutt/hosts module that contains the MAC of the host and use that to generate my authorized_macs file.

Is the sample code below on the right path for this? This is the first time I've done anything more complicated than a simple variable lookup in hiera. I haven't tested any of the code below, just trying to get an idea if I'm heading down the right path first.

sample hiera node file:

You have an extra ':' at the end. Drop that.

     ip: ''
       - 'host-1'
     mac: '00-00-00-00-00-11'
     ip: ''
       - 'host-2'
     mac: '00-00-00-00-00-22'

class config (
   $host_entries = $hosts::host_entries

Use Hash $host_entries = ...
as that will give you automatic type checking - see below:

) {

With added type checking in the signature, you can skip this (deprecated) call to validate_hash()

   $host_entries.each |$host_entry| {

This will result in each entry in the hash to be given to the lambda
as a Tuple of [key, value]; not a hash. You want:

$host_entries.each | $hostname, $values | {


You can get rid of this validation as well. In your example it would also fail because the entries will not be hashes. See above.

If you type your class parameter, you can make it more specific:

class config ( Hash[String, Hash] $host_entries = $hosts::host_entries)

Now you know that it is a hash of string keyed hashes, and there is no
need to check again. You can also be even more detailed with a Struct
data type where you can specify exactly which keys you expect in the hash, if they are required or not:

      Optional['ip'] => String, # or a Pattern datatype for IP
      Optional['host_aliases'] => Array[String]
      Optional['mac'] => String, # or a Pattern datatype for MAC
  ] $host_entries = ...

If you want to you can give the struct type a name and make it autoloaded. You can do the same with the Hash if you like.

type HostDetals = Hash[String,
      Optional['ip'] => String, # or a Pattern datatype for IP
      Optional['host_aliases'] => Array[String]
      Optional['mac'] => String, # or a Pattern datatype for MAC

And then write:

class( HostDetails $host_entries = ... )

     $host_entry.each | $title, $attributes| {

The $title will be 'ip', 'mac', 'host_alias', and the $attributes
will be either a string or an Array (at least in your example data)


... so this is clearly wrong.
And if you take the advice to use a data type, you don't need to check again here.

       if has_key($attributes, 'mac') {
This is not right.
Simply do:

case $title {
  'ip'  : {
            # code for ip
  'max' : {
            # code for mac
  'host_aliases': {
            # code for host_aliases

        #insert code here to add the $mac to the authorized_macs file on this server

Hope the comments above will help you.

- henrik

Nick Hasser

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