On 2018-07-16 10:21, Helmut Schneider wrote:
Henrik Lindberg wrote:

On 2018-07-15 15:45, Helmut Schneider wrote:
<%- | Hash $openvpnConf,

It is important that there is no text before the opening <%-
Not sure if you have a blank line there. If so you will get a syntax
error because of the text output before the declaration of the

Thank you.

I managed to get it work with the following code:

<%- | Hash $openvpnConf, String $openvpnMode, String $instance | -%>
<% ({
'Mode' => [
}).each |$category, $parameters| { -%>
### <%= $category %> ###
<% $parameters.each |$parameter| { -%>
<% if $parameter == 'remote' { -%>
<%= $parameter %> <%= $openvpnConf['server'] %> <%=
$openvpnConf['port'] %>
<% } else { -%>
<%= $parameter %> <%= $openvpnConf[$parameter] %>
<% } -%>
<% } %>
<% } -%>

What does not work yet is to add something after <%- | [...] | -%>,
everything I add (here <%= $openvpnMode %>) gives an error. E.g.:

<%- | Hash $openvpnConf, String $openvpnMode, String $instance | -%>
<%= $openvpnMode %>
<% ({
'Mode' => [
}).each |$category, $parameters| { -%>
### <%= $category %> ###
<% $parameters.each |$parameter| { -%>
<% if $parameter == 'remote' { -%>
<%= $parameter %> <%= $openvpnConf['server'] %> <%=
$openvpnConf['port'] %>
<% } else { -%>
<%= $parameter %> <%= $openvpnConf[$parameter] %>
<% } -%>
<% } %>
<% } -%>

fails with

Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on
SERVER: Server Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a
Function Call, epp(): Invalid EPP: Ambiguous EPP parameter expression.
Probably missing '<%-' before parameters to remove leading whitespace
20 at /etc/puppetlabs/code/modules/openvpn/manifests/init.pp:29:22 on
node h2786452

How can I fix this?

It is a bug, please file a ticket in puppet's Jira for project PUP.

Looks like it is confused by the use of ( ) around your hash.

I tried this as a workaround:

$template = @(END)
<%-| $x | -%>
<%= $x -%>
<%- $y = {
  'Mode' => [ $x, ],
$y.each |$category, $parameters| { -%>
<%= $category %> = <%= $parameters %>
<%- } -%>
notice inline_epp($template, x => 'testing')

See you I use an assignment to a local variable $y to get a hash to work with.

What epp does is to translate <%= ... %> to a print-string expression.
When that is followed by a left parenthesis it seems to think it is a call i.e. as if you had written the following in puppet:


Hope that helps you work around the problem.
- henrik


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