On Wed, 23 May 2018, at 15:16, Jason McMahan wrote:
> Has anyone else run into the problem where an agent run gets stuck per say?
> We have found at times the agent runs could be stuck for multiple days.
> I was trying to come up with an option that would automatically stop the 
> agent run if it lasted over 24 hrs per say so we dont have to go back to 
> servers and remove the lock file.
> Anyone else have ideas or suggestions?
> Usually when it occurs we remove the lock file perform a run and all is 
> well, it is just getting to however many that are affected in a timely 
> manner and clearing the lock.

try setting runtimeout=1000 where 1000 is seconds you want to give it as a max 

R.I.Pienaar / www.devco.net / @ripienaar

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