Hello Puppeteers,

Relearning Puppet (converting Ansible, Chef knowledge), not sure best 
approach for this.  How can I configure systems based on state of another 
system?   Essentially, I would use a tool like Terraform to bring up 
systems.  When their IP addresses are available, I would then use that 
information (their IP address) to configure other systems.

I have two simple use cases:

   1. local repository, and if up and available, want to configure all 
   clients, e.g. java clients, to use this system (such as /etc/hosts with 
   2. elastic search cluster where the elasticsearch.yml has ip addresses 
   of all nodes within the cluster.

Any way or best practice in the puppet community for this?  In Ansible, as 
it is orchestration, I can get state of systems with tags, use that to 
configure the system, and with Chef/Knife can configure an environment 
attributes (statically), or override it during initial bootstrap process.

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