Hello Wyat,

thanks for the link. The PostgreSQL version is not an issue, this has been 
upgraded to 9.6 recently.
The ticket assumes everything will be done online while the Puppet masters are 
running etc.

Actually, I would just do it with a maintenance window and take all puppet 
masters offline.
Than upgrade PuppetDB through the versions from above, update the termini on 
the masters and start everything again.
As the PDB HTTP API completely breaks between 2.x and 3.x, there will be an 
interruption anyway for users.

My main concern were the database migrations run by PuppetDB during the 
upgrade, which seems not to be an issue (despite the ancient version).


----- Original Message -----
> From: "Wyatt Alt" <wy...@puppet.com>
> To: puppet-users@googlegroups.com
> Cc: "Stefan Dietrich" <stefan.dietr...@desy.de>
> Sent: Wednesday, December 6, 2017 12:29:24 AM
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Multiple Upgrades required for PuppetDB 2.3.x -> 
> 4.4.1 and 5.x requirement?

> On 12/05/2017 01:57 PM, Dietrich, Stefan wrote:
>> Hello,
>> in order to finish our Puppet 4.x migration (and than Puppet 5.x, yay), 
>> PuppetDB
>> has to be upgraded as well.
>> If I read the upgrade docs correctly, a direct upgrade from PuppetDB 2.3.x is
>> not supported [1].
>> So in order to do this, an upgrade to the latest version for each major 
>> release
>> is required:
>> 2.3.x -> 3.2.4 -> 4.4.1 (-> 5.1.3 once we go to Puppet 5)
>> Is this correct?
> It's a bit more complicated than that, unfortunately. The docs aren't
> completely correct on this, and the best source of info is probably this
> ticket: https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/DOCUMENT-719
> In the comments I've outlined the upgrade path, which I just tested. The
> key thing to watch out for is to make sure you upgrade puppetdb before
> the puppetdb terminus, and ensure everything is working before moving
> the terminus and puppet server to version 5. Note also that there's a
> postgres bump, so it may make sense to get that out of the way first.
>> Additionally, the release notes of PuppetDB 5 mention a hard dependency on
>> Puppet Agent 5.x [2]
>> So for PuppetDB 5 _all_ agents have to be at 5.x first?
>> Or is it sufficient to have Puppet Agent 5.x on Puppetserver/PuppetDB hosts?
> I had no issues running a 4.x agent against a 5.x puppetserver/puppetdb.
> The puppetdb upgrade will pull in a 5.x agent on the puppetdb host itself.
> Wyatt

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