I just tested the following snippet and it turns out it doesn't work.

  - puppet-agent
      server: "puppet.example.com"
      certname: "%i.%f"
  - [ ln, -s, /etc/puppet/puppet.conf, /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/puppet.conf ]

The symlinking works fine, but apparently setting [puppet.conf.agent] 
implicitly installs the old "puppet" package (v3.x), which conflicts with 
the "puppet-agent" package installed a few lines before and causes it to be 
removed. You end up with just puppet 3.x installed. Not what I'd expect.

Any other ideas?

I'd still like to hear how others bootstrap their AWS instances with Puppet 
PC1 or newer? Maybe by a different cloud-init method?

Regards, Martijn

Op woensdag 8 november 2017 04:21:24 UTC+1 schreef Poil:

> Why not just create a symlink ?

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