On 22/08/17 18:30, John Baird wrote:
I have something that appears to be at least "attempting" to find the
proper files. The issue I am currently running into is that the "key"
or file that I am looking for is being "chopped" at the first ".", which
in this case is actually in a folder name, not the file extension. Do
you know how to avoid that?
*# File Backend for Hiera*
*Puppet::Functions.create_function(:'file_backend') do*
* dispatch :file_backend do*
* param "String", :key*
* param "Hash", :options*
* param "Puppet::LookupContext", :context*
* end*
* argument_mismatch :missing_path do*
* param 'Hash', :options*
* param 'Puppet::LookupContext', :context*
* end*
* def file_backend(key, options, context)*
* hieradir = context.interpolate(options['hieradir'])*
* searchroot = context.interpolate(options['searchroot'])*
* searchpath = hieradir + searchroot*
* if (File.exists?("#{searchpath}/#{key}"))*
* data = File.read("#{searchpath}/#{key}")*
* else*
* context.explain() { "SearchPath: #{searchpath}, Key: #{key}"}*
* context.not_found()*
* end*
* end*
* def missing_path(options, context)*
* "one of 'path', 'paths', 'glob', 'globs', or 'mapped_paths' must be
declared in hiera.yaml when using this file_backend function"*
* end*
When looking up '*/etc/dd-agent/checks.d/filename.py'* I receive a
`*Function lookup() did not find a value for the name
The debugging from the puppet lookup outputs *KEY: /etc/dd-agent/checks
*which does not contain the rest of the filename or path.
Only had a quick look at the code. I think the issue you are seeing is
that a '.' has special meaning - it navigates into a structure, you need
to escape dots in the key - IIRC by quoting them. Try with a key that
does not have a '.', and then try with quoting the dot with "" or ''
The dot-syntax is typically used to navigate into arrays and hashes.
- henrik
Thoughts ?
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