So my hiera variable looks like this.

   'Group A':
      'bmurphy': ''
      'cjames':  ''
   'Group B':
      'RPrice': ''
      'STurpen': ''

I need to be able to iterate through contacts, grab the group name create a 
Nagios_contact group based on that value, then iterate through each group 
and create the contacts.  How do I do this?

I tried something like below but it just doesn't work.

  $contactdata.each | $groupname, $groupcontacts | {
    $contactgroupname = $groupname[0]
    nagios_contactgroup { "$contactgroupname":
      ensure => present,
    $groupcontacts.each | String $username, String $emailaddress | {
      nagios_contact { "$username":
        ensure        => present,
        contactgroups => "$groupdisplay",
        email         => "$emailaddress",

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