On 7/7/17 9:52 AM, Peter Berghold wrote:
Has anybody out there done any sort of study on what Puppet produces in terms of I/O packet rate? I'm being asked to fill in a spreadsheet with that information....

I can share some rough numbers. We do a lot of files so the numbers are weird and inefficient. Puppet 3.8.7/Passenger 5.1.5/Ruby 2.0/Apache 2.4 on the server side.

avg file metadata per puppetserver: 25k/s
avg hosts per puppetserver: 1200

avg catalog size: 15MB (lots and lots of files)

Peak TX rate: 4MB/s
Peak RX rate: 1.5MB/s

I'd suspect the average Puppetserver to be a fraction of that bandwidth for the same number of hosts.


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