On 27/06/17 17:44, Christopher Wood wrote:
A little oddity I stumbled across while getting things wrong about somebody's 
pastebin entry in #puppet on freenode.

This thing:

class classname (
   Regexp $param,
) {

class { 'classname':
   param => /^.$/,

Does this with puppet 4.10.2:

$ puppet apply /tmp/z.pp
Error: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, 
Class[Classname]: parameter 'param' expects a Regexp value, got String at 
/tmp/z.pp:7:1 on node cwl.me.com

Am I even supposed to be able to pass a Regexp to a class?

Short answer: Not without turning on experimental feature using the setting --rich_data. I noticed you filed a ticket for this and I provided more information there (https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-7735)

- henrik

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