Because puppet is declarative you can only have one instance of a resource
with a particular title in the catalog. This means you cannot have two
instances of a class in the catalog (though you can include a class
multiple times but it only exists in the catalog once)

Luckily you do not have two instances of a class.
 'zendserver::sdk::command' appears to be a defined type.

Defined types generate resources. You can have multiple instances of a type
so long as the title is unique. This is exactly what your example shows,
two instances of 'zendserver::sdk::command' with two different titles.

Now the good part for you. Defined types contain all of their unique
resources.  This means that any resources that get generated by
'zendserver::sdk::command' will honor the ordering metaparameters. See

The only thing you need to do to order your commands is add a -> after the
closing } of the first command ie

    zendserver::sdk::command { "vhost_add_${vhostname}_${port}":
      target             => $target,
      api_command        => 'vhostAdd',
      additional_options => $additional_options,
    } ->
    zendserver::sdk::command { "vhost_reload_${vhostname}_${port}":
      target             => $target,
      api_command        => 'restartPhp',

Now all resources generated by Zendserver::Sdk::Command[
"vhost_reload_${vhostname}_${port}"] will apply /after/ the resources
generated by Zendserver::Sdk::Command["vhost_add_${vhostname}_${port}"]


On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 4:07 PM Pete Brown <> wrote:

> The require meta parameter will do that.
> On Thu, 1 Jun 2017 at 14:08, Ugo Bellavance <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would need to execute a command after the execution of another and I
>> didn't find anything on the web regarding this.  Here's the code:
>>   if $vhost_name_fact != undef {
>>   } else {
>>     zendserver::sdk::command { "vhost_add_${vhostname}_${port}":
>>       target             => $target,
>>       api_command        => 'vhostAdd',
>>       additional_options => $additional_options,
>>     }
>>     zendserver::sdk::command { "vhost_reload_${vhostname}_${port}":
>>       target             => $target,
>>       api_command        => 'restartPhp',
>>     }
>>   }
>> I would like to have the second command to always be executed once the
>> first one has been executed.  How would I do that?
>> Thanks,
>> Ugo
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