On Wed, May 17, 2017 at 5:34 AM, Jason McMahan <jason.m.mcma...@gmail.com>

> The full error is
> Error: Failed to call 
> #<Win32::TaskScheduler::COM::TaskScheduler:0x000000093b6ce0>::NewWorkItem
> with HRESULT: -214702489
> 3.:  The system cannot find the path specified.
> Error: /Stage[main]/Profile::Windows::Applications::Sysinfo::Base/
> Scheduled_task[Automation/Inventory]/ensure
> : change from absent to present failed: Failed to call
> #<Win32::TaskScheduler::COM::TaskScheduler:0x000000093b6ce0>::New
> WorkItem with HRESULT: -2147024893 <(214)%20702-4893>.:  The system
> cannot find the path specified.
> The folder exists but the task is not created nor seen.
> I believe i may just need to create it in the root but would like
> verification.
> Thank you
> On Tuesday, May 16, 2017 at 6:59:17 PM UTC-5, Jason McMahan wrote:
>> Good day,
>> We were using the scheduled_task resource to create a task. It creates
>> the task however we nwed to create the task in a folder under task
>> scheduler.
>> \automation\inventory
>> We tried name => '\automation\inventory\
>> But at run says can not find path.
>> We looked at working_dir but that didn't sound promising either. Any
>> suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you
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Puppet only supports v1 of the Windows task scheduler API (which is present
in 2003 and up), so I'm inclined to think folders are a v2 API feature,
which is filed as https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6455.


Josh Cooper | Software Engineer
j...@puppet.com | @coopjn

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