On 04/22/2017 10:35 AM, Bill Sirinek wrote:

2017-04-22 13:30:25.912 EDT [db:pe-puppetdb,sess:58fb8caf.8cbb,pid:36027,vtid:29/23277,tid:396758] STATEMENT: INSERT INTO resource_events ( new_value, corrective_change, property, file, report_id, old_value, containing_class, certname_id, line, resource_type, status, resource_title, timestamp, containment_path, message ) VALUES ( $1, $2, $3, $4, $5, $6, $7, $8, $9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15 ) RETURNING * 2017-04-22 13:30:25.978 EDT [db:pe-puppetdb,sess:58fb8caf.8cbb,pid:36027,vtid:29/23281,tid:396760] ERROR: value too long for type character varying(40)

This is probably being caused by the property names rather than resource titles. The only varchar(40) columns in that table are the property name and the event status, and I'm assuming you're not doing anything custom with the statuses (which typically come from Puppet).

There is no supported workaround for this, but I put up a PR here https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetdb/pull/2268 to resolve it.

An unsupported workaround would be to shut down PuppetDB, connect to postgres via psql and do this:

\c pe-puppetdb
alter table resource_events alter column property type text;

This could take anywhere from seconds to 30+ minutes depending on how much data you have, so if that's a concern you can get in touch with support and coordinate with them. Doing this kind of thing is usually a really bad idea, but in this case it won't hurt because a future migration to change the old varchar column to text will simply be a noop.


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