
I've got a small piece of puppet in my profile module to remove the default 
nginx.conf file which gets installed by the nginx module. 

# Upon install this file gets created and displays "Welcome to NginX" page, 
which we don't need.
file { '/etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf':
  ensure  => 'absent',
  # Need to force NGinx to restart after this change has completed so we don't 
get a default page.
  notify  => Service['ningx'],

However this fails because the service is defined within with NginX module, not 
the profile. 

Am I going about this in the wrong way? 

Obviously I don't want it to restart every time Puppet runs, only triggered by 
the file being removed.

I was to avoid modifying the component module 
https://forge.puppet.com/puppet/nginx if at all possible.


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