Hey Christopher,

This is the default behavior of PuppetDB -- my guess is you can address it by tuning your node-ttl and node-purge-ttl parameters, which are described here:


PuppetDB won't expire or delete node data unless those parameters are set, and they aren't by default. The reports are deleted after 14 days by default (report-ttl setting), which would explain why you can see node data but no reports.


On 02/21/2017 11:05 AM, Christopher Wood wrote:
Our security department raised that point that some nodes present in puppetdb 
are not for current or recently decommissioned servers.

Does anybody have a spare hint as to why these nodes haven't become expired 
over the last few months of not being servers, or where I can look for more 
information? (PuppetDB 3.2.4.)

More details:

On further investigation, I can retrieve old catalogs for these nodes. The catalogs are weeks or 
months old, and I thought the nodes themselves might have been expired by now. Sure enough, there 
is nothing in the "deactivated" or "expired" fields in the certnames table in 
PostgreSQL for these nodes. The hosts are definitely gone as servers.

curl --data-urlencode 'query=["=", "certname", "myhost.mydomain.com"]' -v -s -S -X 
GET --cacert $ca --cert $cert --key $key https://puppetdb2.mydomain.com:8081/pdb/query/v4/catalogs 

I am unable to retrieve reports for these nodes (200 response from puppetdb but 
no actual report, '[]'). Likewise they do not appear in Puppet Explorer as 
nodes. (Same as above but /reports not /catalogs.)

When I deactivated one of these nodes (puppet node deactivate) I was still able to 
retrieve the same old catalog that I was able to before, but this time the 
"deactivated" field in the certnames table was filled in.

puppetdb=# select * from certnames where certname = 'myhost.mydomain.com';
-[ RECORD 1 ]----+---------------------------
id               | 2035
certname         | myhost.mydomain.com
latest_report_id |
deactivated      | 2017-02-21 12:28:25.495-05
expired          |

We're on a slightly older version of PuppetDB (3.2.4). That said, Puppetdb has 
been ticking along just fine for months and this is the first problem I can 

bash-4.1$ rpm -q postgresql95-server

bash-4.1$ rpm -q puppetdb

(Also, I can't find any reference to this issue with google searches or looking 
on tickets.puppetlabs.com, and this is as far as I can figure out this issue.)

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