With Puppet 3.8.7 you're hopefully running Puppet with Apache/Passenger. If not, you have a puppetmaster (puppet master?) process that is single threaded. You'll have to migrate to Passenger based setup. My guess is that that you're running the standalone process since Passenger defaults to 6 processes which should be able to serve 500 agents.

Tuning Apache/Passenger https://ask.puppet.com/question/13433/how-should-i-tune-passenger-to-run-puppet/


On 2/20/17 6:42 PM, Harish Kothuri wrote:
Thanks for your reply. I understand that i need to upgrade to puppet 4.

I'm just looking for similar options to optimize in 3 open source since
i have these in production and not easy to upgrade

Thanks & Regards,
Harish Kothuri

On Monday, February 20, 2017 at 10:51:27 PM UTC+5:30, Rob Nelson wrote:


    You are running puppet 3 open source and looking at directions for
    puppet 4 enterprise edition. While some of the PE information will
    surely apply to the open source edition, you should update to puppet
    4 as puppet 3 is End of Support/Life. That upgrade alone should
    improve performance significantly, at which time you can re-evaluate
    performance issues.

    On Mon, Feb 20, 2017 at 8:26 AM Harish Kothuri <harish...@gmail.com
    <javascript:>> wrote:

        Hi All,

        Following is my puppet configuration details. Problem is that
        puppet server and agent runs are going very slow at times and
        restarting the server helps in production.

        Puppet 3.8.7 (open source)
        Facter 2.4.6
        CentOS 7
        Number of nodes: 500
        Number of cores: 16
        RAM: 32GB

        I'm going through this puppet website
        to fine tune my puppet.

        Can someone help me in understand location of the files exactly
        as i could not figure out *few (marked in Red)*. Please verify
        my changes and let me know if there's anything wrong.

        Section from Link: 16 cores, 32 GB of RAM (Monolithic)

        _*Puppet Server:*_
        *1. Increased JRuby instances in /etc/hiera.yaml file as below.*

          - yaml
          - defaults
          - "%{clientcert}"
          - "%{environment}"
          - global

        # datadir is empty here, so hiera uses its defaults:
        # - /var/lib/hiera on *nix
        # - %CommonAppData%\PuppetLabs\hiera\var on Windows
        # When specifying a datadir, make sure the directory exists.
          jruby-puppet: {
            max-active-instances: 10
            max-requests-per-instance: 0

        *1.1 Heap size on puppet server - Not sure where and how to
        change this.*
        *2. PuppetDB command processing threads - **Where and how to
        change this?*
        *    changed this in /etc/puppetdb/conf.d/config.ini*
        *2. 1 Changed heap size of puppetdb in /etc/sysconfig/puppetdb
        file as below*
        *JAVA_ARGS="-Xmx1g -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError
        *2.2 Broker Memory - Not sure where and how to change this.*
        *3. Node classifier-** Not sure where and how to change this.*
        *4. ActiveMQ - **Not sure where and how to change this.*
        *5. Orchestration services - **Not sure where and how to change
        *6. PostgreSQL - **Not sure where and how to change this.*
        Thanks & Regards,
        Harish Kothuri

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    Rob Nelson

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