
Because you don’t use the right name…

    file {'/test':
        ensure => directory,
        alias => 'abc',

    file {'/test/2':
        ensure => directory,
        require => File['/test'],


Dominique Arpin
Tél. Interne: 140-4156
Tél. 514 285.2929 Poste: 140-4156

De : puppet-users@googlegroups.com [mailto:puppet-users@googlegroups.com] De la 
part de Josh Cooper
Envoyé : 10 janvier, 2017 14:21
À : puppet-users@googlegroups.com
Objet : Re: [Puppet Users] Could not find resource, but it's there.

On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 2:56 AM, Henrik Lindberg 
<henrik.lindb...@puppet.com<mailto:henrik.lindb...@puppet.com>> wrote:
On 09/01/17 02:52, chris smith wrote:

This seems like a pretty simple thing but I can't figure out why this is
throwing a warning.

I'm using puppet 4.8.1 installed from the puppetlabs-pc1 on scientific
linux 6.

# puppet -V
# rpm -q puppet-agent

My file is as simple as I can make it:

    file {'/test':
        ensure => directory,
        alias => 'abc',

    file {'/test/2':
        ensure => directory,
        require => File['abc'],

When I run it, it complains:

# puppet apply test.pp
Warning: Could not find resource 'File[abc]' in parameter 'require'
   (at /root/test.pp:8)
Notice: Compiled catalog for sl-x86-64.local in environment production
in 0.10 seconds
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/test]/ensure: created
Notice: /Stage[main]/Main/File[/test/2]/ensure: created
Notice: Applied catalog in 0.04 seconds

Though it seems to apply the resources in the correct order (I haven't
had it fail trying to create /test/2 before /test).

Any info or ideas would be great.

The reason it works is because the default ordering is "manifest order" and 
your manifest has the resources in the correct order.

The reference File['abc'] does not succeed because 'abc' is an alias, and not 
the title - I believe there is a ticket about that already logged.

Filed as https://tickets.puppetlabs.com/browse/PUP-6984

- henrik


Visit my Blog "Puppet on the Edge"

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Josh Cooper
Developer, Puppet
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