Tried out another customfact "lastyumupdate" which looks like:

Facter.add(:lastyumupdate) do
  setcode do
    Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("yum history |grep -E '^.*(Update| U).*$' 
|head -n 1 |awk '{print $6}'")

This one returns on command line "2017-01-10" AND sets the fact correct

$ puppet facts |grep last
    "lastrebootdate": "Jan",
    "lastyumupdate": "2017-01-10",

Any help is appreciated :)


Am Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017 17:47:36 UTC+1 schrieb Denny:
> PS: I'm running facter 3.5.0 with puppet 4.8.1 on CentOS 7
> Am Dienstag, 10. Januar 2017 17:44:23 UTC+1 schrieb Denny:
>> Hi there,
>> probably a pretty easy to answer question.
>> I want to try out adding custom facts. My first custom fact should be 
>> "lastrebootdate"
>> My code looks like this:
>> Facter.add(:lastrebootdate) do
>>   setcode do
>>     Facter::Util::Resolution.exec("/usr/bin/who -b |awk '{print $3}'")
>>   end
>> end
>> Running the command on the system returns "2017-01-30"
>> Deploying my fact on a puppet node and running the puppet agent returns 
>> "Jan".
>> $ puppet facts |grep lastrebootdate
>>     "lastrebootdate": "Jan",
>> What did I miss?
>> Thank you,
>> Denny

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