That looks great, thanks!

However, I just realized that my server roles are somewhat related to the 
server names.  For example, I could call my webservers something like www1, 
www2, www3.  If all those 3 servers have the same config, is there a way to 
create a file that would apply to all of them?  Something like 
/hiera/hosts/www?.yaml ?

If not, could I use a hard or soft link?


On Thursday, October 27, 2016 at 3:52:49 AM UTC-4, Thomas Müller wrote:
> Am Dienstag, 18. Oktober 2016 20:34:25 UTC+2 schrieb Ugo Bellavance:
>> Hi,
>> I've seen tutorials where they add the role as a fact in an client and 
>> then can use the role for hiera data. Is there a better way to do so (ie 
>> without having to configure anything on the client)?
> you could add a hiera call to your main site.pp* to define a top-scope 
> variable which then is also usable in the hiera hiearchy. 
> $role = hiera('role', 'default')
> node "default" {
>   include "::role::${::role}"
>   # or hiera_include*
>   hiera_include()
> }
> hiera.yaml example:
> :backends:
>   - yaml
> :yaml:
>   :datadir: "/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%{environment}/hieradata"
> :hierarchy:
>   - "nodes/%{::trusted.certname}"
>   - "virtual/%{::role}"
>   - "osfamily/%{::osfamily}"
>   - common
> there are more pretty solutions like 
> on Puppet4 and with the 
> new lookup() functions with supports "knockout". 
> - Thomas
> * 

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