On Friday, September 30, 2016 at 2:03:06 PM UTC-5, Toni Schmidbauer wrote:
> Henrik Lindberg <henrik....@puppet.com <javascript:>> writes: 
> > On 28/09/16 14:30, Toni Schmidbauer wrote: 
> > I tried this on latest puppet: 
> > 
> > === test.pp 
> > class test::subclass {} 
> > class test inherits test::subclass { 
> >   notify { 'hello?': } 
> > } 
> > include test 
> did some more tests with puppet 4.7. so the above works but if i move 
> tests::subclass into a separate file (subclass.pp) in the manifests 
> folder puppet apply fails with duplicate resource. 
> my source code layout: 
> ├── manifests 
> │   ├── init.pp 
> │   └── subclass.pp 
> └── tests 
>     └── init.pp 
> manifests/init.pp: 
> ## code 
> class test inherits test::subclass { 
>   notify { 'hello world': } 
> } 
> include test 
> # end code 
> manifests/subclass.pp: 
> ## code 
> class test::subclass {} 
> # end code 
> tests/init.pp: 
> ## code 
> include test 
> # end code 
> i run the code with the following command 
> puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/modules manifests/init.pp 
> if i use 
> puppet apply --modulepath=/vagrant/modules tests/init.pp 
>                                            ^ 
>                                            |- HEADS UP 
> puppet apply works. 

The behavior you describe seems buggy to me, but your manifests are also 
unusual.  Specifically, it is strange for test/manifests/init.pp to contain 
a top-scope declaration.  It is especially strange for that declaration to 
be "include test" because this is the very same file that would be 
evaluated, if needed, as a result of evaluating that declaration.

I suppose the reason for that is to make the manifest usable both directly 
with 'puppet apply' and as an ordinary module manifest, and I think that 
*should* work.  Nevertheless, it looks to me like an awkward mix of Puppet 
module and site manifests, and even if it worked, I would not recommend 
structuring your manifests like that.  I observe that your workaround 
involves partially splitting the site manifest part from the module 
manifest part, but personally, I'd go farther and take the site manifest 
part completely out of the module.

As I said, however, I think it should work, and even if there were a reason 
for it not to work, the error message that is emitted is bizarre for the 
code presented.  I think that's probably indicative that the code is doing 
something unexpected by its authors.  I encourage you to file a ticket for 
buggy behavior here, but if you do so, do not neglect to mention the 
diagnostic because at the very least, there are grounds here for an RFE 
around improving the diagnostic.


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