On Wed, Aug 24, 2016 at 09:03:16AM -0700, Luke Bigum wrote:
> The template will create udev rules from two sources. The first is 
> @interfaces, which is the giant multi-level hash of network interfaces that 
> our old designs use. A VM might look like this in Hiera:
> networking::interfaces:
>   eth0:
>     ipaddr:
>     hwaddr: 52:54:00:11:22:33
> The second source of udev rules is also a Hash and also from Hiera, but 
> rather than it be embedded in the giant hash of networking information, it 
> is there to compliment the newer role/profile approach where we don't 
> specify MAC addresses. This is purely a cosmetic thing for VMs to make our 
> interface names look sensible. Here is a sanitised Hiera file for a VM with 
> the fictitious "database" profile:
> profile::database::subnet_INTERNAL_slaves:
>   - 'eth100'
> profile::database::subnet_CLIENT_slaves:
>   - 'eth214'
> networking::extra_udev_static_interface_names:
>   eth100: '52:54:00:11:22:33'
>   eth214: '52:54:00:44:55:66'

So the "database" machine wouldn't have an entry in
networking::interfaces at all, or could one define, for example, the
management interface in networking::interfaces and the database
interfaces in the machine-specific hiera tree?


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