
The 'Resource[]' syntax is a resource reference, whereas 'resouce {}' is 
the declaration syntax - 

With regards to erroring, you don't need to do anything special, other than 
setup the relationship using 'before/requires' between the Logical_Volume 
resource and the Postgresql class. 

If the Logical_Volume resource fails to apply, then Puppet will skip the 
Postgresql class. 

Also, you don't need to explicitly order the LVM PV<>VG<>LV resources, as 
they already setup the requires dependencies in the resource providers - 



On Wednesday, 17 August 2016 00:55:42 UTC+1, Alex Samad wrote:
> HI
> So got this to work 
>     volume_group { 'vg_pgdata':
>       ensure => present,
>       physical_volumes => '/dev/sdc1'
>     }
>     logical_volume { 'lv_pgdata92':
>       ensure => present,
>       volume_group => 'vg_pgdata',
>       require => Volume_Group['vg_pgdata'],
>     }
> Also found out that I can't have spaces between File and [
> so 
> File[ is difference from File [
> Not sure I fully understand the <resource>[] and the difference between 
> <resource>{ '':}
> A
> On Wednesday, 17 August 2016 09:44:42 UTC+10, Alex Samad wrote:
>> Hi
>> Just tried this
>>     logical_volume { 'lv_pgdata92':
>>       ensure => present,
>>       volume_group => 'vg_pgdata',
>>       requires => volume_group { 'vg_pgdata':
>>           ensure => present,
>>           physical_volumes => '/dev/sdc1'
>>         }
>> Got this 
>> Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on 
>> SERVER: Evaluation Error: Error while evaluating a Resource Statement, 
>> Syntax error at '{' at 
>> /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/testing/site/profile/manifests/ybpostgresql92.pp:51:32
>> on node
>> W
>> On Wednesday, 17 August 2016 09:27:29 UTC+10, Alex Samad wrote:
>>> Okay
>>> that sounds okay, how do I add fatal call to it to stop it processing 
>>> any more 
>>> Alex
>>> On Tuesday, 16 August 2016 17:53:33 UTC+10, Gavin Williams wrote:
>>>> Alex
>>>> You're looking for 'Requires' - See 
>>>> Basically, you can add "requires => Logical_Volume['lv_pgdata']" to the 
>>>> 'postgresql::server' class, and if the Logical_Volume resource fails for 
>>>> whatever reason, then the 'postgresql::server' class will be skipped... 
>>>> HTH
>>>> Gav
>>>>> [snip]

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