----- Original Message -----
> From: "Haani Niyaz" <haani.ni...@gmail.com>
> To: "puppet-users" <puppet-users@googlegroups.com>
> Sent: Friday, 8 July, 2016 03:25:26
> Subject: Re: [Puppet Users] Is it possible to gracefully exit the puppet 
> agent run after sending facts?

> Not all but most of it. I guess the intention was to use the PuppetDB since
> that is already an existing data source. Pushing the info will require
> setting up some more infrastructure but I understand that it might need to
> happen. Thanks.

I think it's legit, why not, its facts, it's in the puppet world, puppet is 
ever more capable querying APIs and even designing custom query languages for 
this data, dashboards to view them already exist and other integrations pop up 
the time like the recent Sensu one. you should be able to use it.

there might be a face to do this, maybe puppet facts, but I refuse to look at 
they are so horrid, with terrible help output etc, so a ghetto solution:

FACTER_sync_facts=true puppet agent --test

check in your classification (node files or whatever) for the $sync_facts
fact and don't add any classes when "true"

It would probably be trivial to write a bit of code to do this too using the
existing Puppet APIs

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