On Mon, Jun 6, 2016 at 9:46 AM, Simon Weald <simon.we...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone
> I've got a little bit of an issue which I'm currently fighting with. At the
> moment, we pass an array of packages to be installed to the package
> resource, however I need to call an apt-get update prior to the package
> installation (in case we add a new repo etc). My snippet below should
> probably give you a good idea of what I want to achieve:
> $installpackages = hiera_array('installed-packages')
> exec { "apt-update":
>  command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
>  refreshonly => true,
> }
> package { $installpackages:
>  ensure => 'present',
>  require => Exec['apt-update'],
> }
> Obviously my goal is to have the update only run if any packages are
> actually going to be installed - I can't use empty() against the array as it
> will always contain content.
> Can anyone suggest how I can achieve this?

We're using the puppetlabs apt resource and a line like:

Apt::Source <| |> -> Package <| |>

to ensure that any Apt::Source is processed before any package installation.

I know this doesn't quite do the updating - we do that daily via cron,
but it does demonstrate the global dependency ordering of sources and

Hope that helps!


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