On 05/06/2016 06:59 AM, Martin Alfke wrote:
> Hi Chris,
> On 06 May 2016, at 15:46, christg76 <chri.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi, I'm fairly new to Puppet and have been given the project of
>> upgrading an existing Puppet 2.7 site (Puppetmaster with
>> Apache/Passenger, and MySQL for exported resources, with hundreds
>> of clients), possibly to Puppet 4.
> “fairly new to Puppet” and migration from 2.x to 4 does not fit
> well. Go and teach yourself lots of stuff or attend a training or
> make use of the self paced training program at learn.puppet.com 
> Search for talks on upgrading to Puppet 4 (there have been plenty
> ones during the past 15 months).

What Martin says here can't be stressed enough.

>> Just wanted to ask around if anybody has got experience with such
>> an upgrade. Reading the docs it says that skipping major versions
>> isn't recommended, so I guess I'd have to first upgrade to 3.x? Are
>> there anymore upgrade docs for 2.7 to 3.x available?
> In general: upgrade master first, then the agents. You can skip some
> minor versions. I am unsure whether you really can skip all. Read the
> existing Puppet code and get yourself an idea on what is deprecated.
> In your project: I would not go for upgrading from
> MySQL/Apache-Passenger. I would target a complete setup from scratch
> and migrate system via system. This will allow you to build good
> Puppet 4 code from scratch and to not deal with old broken code which
> will make yourself banging your head against a wall.

My team has been working on a transition (_not_ upgrade but migration!)
from 2.x to 4 since the middle of last year.

We stood up a completely separate puppet infra for our new Puppet4
configuration and are moving systems to it as we rebuild / bring up new
ones. There's two reasons for this:

1) Our old puppet architecture was a monolithic design which is really
hard to work with

2) Our Puppet 4 design is roles, profiles and hiera based. Additionally,
we don't accept modules into our infra that aren't released to the forge
with the exception of our roles and profiles modules themselves since
those are the internal business logic / stitching.

Because of those two requirements we're essentially green-fielding our
rearchitecting into Puppet4 which is allowing us to fix a lot of
outstanding technical debt issues. It also means that we've been
regularly building new modules that are clean, generic, and public
usable and getting them released to the Forge instead of the home grown
monstrosities we had previously or sending patches to upstream modules
that we use that need some tweaks to work better for our particular use


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