Hi, I'm fairly new to puppet but I've been trying to create some puppet 
modules to help me maintain my various PCs/laptops at home. I have created 
the following module:

my module init.pp contains

class bleachbit {
  include bleachbit::install
  include bleachbit::cronadd

install.pp has

class bleachbit::install {
  package { 'bleachbit':
    ensure => installed,
    notify => Cronadd['bleachbit'],

cronadd.pp has

class bleachbit::cronadd {
  cron { 'bleachbit':
    ensure  => present,
    command => '/usr/bin/bleachbit',
    user    => 'root',
    weekday => '*',
    minute  => '10',
    hour    => '11',
    subscribe => Package['bleachbit'],

site.pp has 

node 'Microserver' {
    include bleachbit
    include testfile

when I run "puppet apply manifests" bleachbit is installed fine but the cronadd 
subclass is completely ignored. I have checked the syntax with puppet-lint
and it seems fine. Also, if create cronadd as a separate module, it works fine.

I don't understand what the problem is. Running with --debug gives no clues.


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