> I'm not sure what you think I suggested.  I said the *agent* reports when 
> it *applies* changes.  This includes changes associated with exported 
> (possibly by other nodes) resources.  
The agent is not involved at all in exporting resources, nor even directly 
> in collecting exported resources.

So let's say we have following applied to a host:

class some_application (
    $tags ) {
  @@monitor { $fqdn:
    host_tags => $tags

The value of "tags" is automatically looked up in Hiera.

Let' say that, someone alters the value of $tags in Hiera for a specific 
The next time the manifest is applied to the host this will result into the 
"host_tags" value for that host changing and being updated in PuppetDB.

As far as I know, unless I overlook something (hence my question), puppet 
agent is *not* reporting anything about this change.
I might have misinterpreted your answers into thinking that puppet agent 
should report on that.

> If you are nowhere collecting and applying the resources you are 
> exporting, then you are even farther out in the boonies than I thought. 

charming :)


> You may be able to make some variation on this scheme work, but you are 
> using Puppet much differently than it was designed to be used.

What can I say?

   - Puppet agent is not allowed to communicate directly with the restful 
   API in any way.
   Therefor a custom type making puppet agent interface directly with the 
   API (the cleanest approach) is unfortunately not possible.

So, what are the options available on the table?
All necessary data to configure monitoring is available as exported 
resources. I don't think it's unreasonable to find a way to take advantage 
of this.

By all means, you're free to disagree with this approach.  Heck, I even 
disagree with this approach but it's what I have to deal with and have no 
control over.
But, whether this is good idea or not is not the question I'm seeking 
help/advice about.

I'm just trying to find a way getting notified when exported resources 
change and move on from there.

Thanks for the feedback and insight John, much appreciated.

- Jelle

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