Hi -
I am trying to figure out how to best override
resource attributes for a module.  I know this might not
be the best way to do things, but it's where I am at currently.

In summary:

   - I have a module called Apache, that references the firewall class from 
   the puppetlabs/firewall module - to open ports 80/443.
   - I have a few nodes, that need wordpress installed (as well as apache) 
   - I need to override the default fw ports 80/443 being opened, for more 
   selective rules.

I am trying to override these resources similar to what is described here:

Here's my code:

  node 'wordpress-dev.blah.example.com' {
    include base
    include users
    include webteam
    include apache
    include libfw::wordpress
    group { 'webteam':
      ensure  => present,
      name    => 'webteam',
      members => 'sdf, sdf1, sdf3, sdf4'
    include basicfw
    include lib-wordpress
    include wordpress_cli
    include php

Apache and wordpress are two very basic modules I wrote. 

apache::config has the following:
class apache::config {
  firewall { '0050 allow http and https access':
    chain  => 'LSO-Firewall-1-INPUT',
    dport  => [80, 443],
    proto  => tcp,
    action => accept,

Then in the wordpress module, I am trying to override this setting with:

class lib-wordpress::firewall inherits apache::config {
  Class['apache::config'] {
    chain  => 'LSO-Firewall-1-INPUT',
    dport  => [80, 443],
    proto  => tcp,
    action => reject,

Puppet apply run's ok, but IPtables never changes.  The default rule 0050, 
stays as
accept. I also noticed with puppet-lint this warning:
class inherits across module namespaces

Is this because I am overriding a class that references another class 
(firewall)? If 
so, how should I avoid this? I might be running up against this bug:

> Note: If a base class declares other classes with the resource-like 
>> syntax, a class derived from it cannot override the class parameters of 
>> those inner classes. This is a known bug.
Thank you.


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