One of the main issues is ensuring that the sensitive contents of the
catalog do not make their way back into PuppetDB, Foreman, etc....

I've been toying with the idea of adding a special, non-translated function
to Puppet core that will provide direction for the agent itself to reach
out to a 'trusted' data source regardless of placement in the catalog.

Essentially, this would be a special string, combined with some sort of
metaparameter that alters the catalog content on the fly.

It should absolutely be doable and the Conjur FOSS codebase is close to
there but doesn't quite hit the mark across the board for what I would like.

If anyone would like to start this, I'd be more than happy to help
contribute when I have time. Otherwise, I'll just hack at it when I get the



On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 11:01 AM, Craig Dunn <> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 3:09 PM, Thomas Müller <>
> wrote:
>> I'm too interested in how people manage credentials without having it in
>> the catalog.
> The problem as I see it is that there isn't a blanket approach.  If you
> need a secret value in a template, that template is already compiled into
> the catalog before the agent receives it, and there are numerous ways to
> get a file on a system.  One idea would be a kind of "eyaml in reverse"
> approach, where files could be deployed with inline encrypted data, and
> then a type and provider to do a pattern substitution on the file on the
> agent using local keys.
> But the problem isn't just files - what about, for example, exec commands
> that need to use a secret in the command line?  file_line resources?
> augeas? - theres a whole host of places the data might end up.
> I think the bigger issue to address would be why are your catalogs not
> considered a safe place to have this data? Access to the catalog should be
> at the same level of trust as root access to the agent.
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Trevor Vaughan
Vice President, Onyx Point, Inc
(410) 541-6699

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