
I know that the puppet.conf documentation exists in extreme detail:

What that page doesn't tell me is if the config items map to the
[agent] or [master] sections of the config file.

Does anyone know if that data exists in an easy to consume location?

On my puppet master system I have the following puppet.conf snippet:

    logdir                   = /var/log/puppet
    vardir                   = /var/lib/puppet
    ssldir                   = /var/lib/puppet/ssl
    rundir                   = /var/run/puppet
    factpath                 = $vardir/lib/facter
    dns_alt_names            = puppet-3-7,
    stringify_facts          = false
    ordering                 = manifest
    environmentpath          = $confdir/environments
    basemodulepath           =

Should I also have the same configs on my clients?

For instance, should stringify_facts be set on the clients?

Thanks for any help!


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