Running the puppetserver on debug mode i got the following:

2016-03-02 13:25:27,995 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet Performing a hiera 
indirector lookup of puppet::server with options {:variables=>Scope(Class[
Puppet]), :merge=>#<Puppet::Pops::FirstFoundStrategy:0x72e2d028 
@values=["strategy"], @size_type=nil>>, 
@patterns=[#<Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType:0x767b5004 @regexp=/first/, 
@pattern="first">]>>>]>, @options={}>}
2016-03-02 13:25:27,995 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking up 
puppet::server in YAML backend
2016-03-02 13:25:27,996 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source node/
2016-03-02 13:25:27,996 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Cannot find 
datafile /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments//hieradata/node/example.domain, 
2016-03-02 13:25:27,997 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source type/PUPPETDB
2016-03-02 13:25:27,997 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Cannot find 
datafile /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments//hieradata/type/PUPPETDB.yaml, 
2016-03-02 13:25:27,997 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source location/KC/PUPPETDB
2016-03-02 13:25:27,998 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Cannot find 
2016-03-02 13:25:27,998 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source location/KC
2016-03-02 13:25:27,998 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Cannot find 
datafile /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments//hieradata/location/KC.yaml, 
2016-03-02 13:25:27,998 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source common
2016-03-02 13:25:27,999 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Cannot find 
datafile /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments//hieradata/common.yaml, skipping

2016-03-02 13:25:27,951 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet Performing a hiera 
indirector lookup of profiles::puppet_master::hello with options {:variables
@values=["strategy"], @size_type=nil>>, 
@patterns=[#<Puppet::Pops::Types::PRegexpType:0x6239c529 @regexp=/first/, 
@pattern="first">]>>>]>, @options={}>}
2016-03-02 13:25:27,951 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking up 
profiles::puppet_master::hello in YAML backend
2016-03-02 13:25:27,952 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Looking for 
data source node/example.domain
2016-03-02 13:25:27,952 DEBUG [puppet-server] Puppet hiera(): Found profiles
::puppet_master::hello in node/example.domain

it seems to be that the environment is nil when trying to look for the 
puppet::server key but it is there for the profiles::puppet_master::hello 
Any idea?

On Wednesday, March 2, 2016 at 10:41:05 AM UTC-6, Julio Guevara wrote:
> Hi Puppet Users,
> the situation is as follow. I have been trying to use the Data binding 
> feature of hiera for this module 
> i have the following:
> dist/profiles/manifests/puppet_master.pp
> class profiles::puppet_master ($hello) {
>   include ::puppet
>   notify { $hello : }
> }
> dist/roles/manifests/puppet_master.pp
> class roles::puppet_master {
>   include profiles::puppet_master
> }
> hieradata/node/example.domain.yaml
> ---
> role:
>   - '::roles::puppet_master'
> profiles::puppet_master::hello: 'Hello World'
> puppet::server: true
> puppet::server_version: 'latest'
> puppet::dns_alt_names:
>   - 'puppet.domain'
> puppet::puppetdb_server: 'puppet.domain'
> puppet::puppetdb: true
> puppet::manage_puppetdb: false
> puppet::manage_hiera: false
> puppet::firewall: true
> puppetdb::listen_address: ''
> hiera::hierarchy:
>   - 'node/%%{::}{networking.fqdn}'
>   - 'type/%%{::}{type}'
>   - 'location/%%{::}{location}/%%{::}{type}'
>   - 'location/%%{::}{location}'
>   - 'common'
> hiera::datadir: 
> '/etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/%%{::}{::environment}/hieradata'
> r10k::version: '2.1.1'
> r10k::sources:
>   environments:
>     remote: ''
>     basedir: '%%{::}{settings.environmentpath}'
>     prefix: false
> r10k::manage_modulepath: false
> The thing is that i can mange to data bind with hiera the value 
> profiles::puppet_master::hello, but i'm unable to do the same thing for all 
> the other values.
> Because of this they go to their defaults values and actually uninstall my 
> puppet server on the master :/
> Can you guys help me out figuring why this is working for the 
> puppet_master class but not for the puppet module?
> Thanks
> Julio

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