When using notify to restart a service after a directory sync (File 
resource with recurse) and tags the service never restarts. 
I tried to look through the puppet bugs but could not find any. 
Does anyone have any ideas?

Code i tested with. 
class test {
  tag 'blue'
    file { "/tmp/foo":
      ensure   => directory,
      recurse  => true,
      source   => 'puppet:///modules/test',
      notify   => Service["bluetooth"],
    service { 'bluetooth' :
      ensure    => running,
include test

Using either --tags test or --tags blue also tried --tags blue,test the 
service Bluetooth wont restart. 

Here is a snippet of debug log
Debug: Caching environment 'production' (ttl = 0 sec)
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo]/ensure: current_value absent, 
should be directory (noop)
Debug: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo]: The container /tmp/foo will 
propagate my refresh event
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo/test]/ensure: current_value absent, 
should be directory (noop)
Debug: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo/test]: The container /tmp/foo will 
propagate my refresh event
Notice: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo/test/one]/ensure: current_value 
absent, should be file (noop)
Debug: /Stage[main]/Test/File[/tmp/foo/test/one]: The container /tmp/foo 
will propagate my refresh event
Debug: /tmp/foo: Not tagged with blue
Debug: /tmp/foo: Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events
Info: /tmp/foo: Unscheduling all events on /tmp/foo
Debug: Executing: '/usr/bin/systemctl is-active bluetooth'
Debug: Class[Test]: Not tagged with blue
Debug: Class[Test]: Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events
Debug: Stage[main]: Not tagged with blue
Debug: Stage[main]: Resource is being skipped, unscheduling all events

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