Ok... I switched tactics somewhat and have more or less what I wanted:

=== start ERB file ===
<% @interfaces.split(',').each do |int| if 
has_variable?("ipaddress_#{int}") -%>
<%= scope["ipaddress_#{int}"] -%> <%= 
Resolv.getname(scope["ipaddress_#{int}"]) -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
=== end ERB file ===

this will give the the IP and associated FQDN of all the interfaces but I 
was wondering if the community could give me a little more help..

1) Once I have all the interfaces/names, how can I split the FQDN and get 
the short name (myhost vs myhost.domain.com)
2) Is there a way to order the output (put at the top, etc)?

On Wednesday, November 25, 2015 at 2:25:22 PM UTC-6, Dayton Jones wrote:
> I'm writing a template to populate a file - easy enough...
> What I want is to to grab the list of interfaces, get the ip assigned to 
> that interface and then do a lookup of the ip to get the dns name.
> I'm able to get the interfaces/ips just fine, but can't figure out how to 
> then pass the IP to the function to do the lookup.  Any help is greatly 
> appreciated...
> =======================
> start ERB
> <% scope.lookupvar('interfaces').split(",").each do |interface| %>
> <% @int_ip = scope.lookupvar('ipaddress_'+interface) %>
> <% @int_name = Resolv.new.getname @int_ip %>
> ...
> <% end %>
> end ERB
> ========================
> @int_ip gets popluated and I can manipulate it as needed, but how do I 
> properly pass it to 'Resolv.new.getname' to set the int_name string?

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