On Thursday, October 8, 2015 at 3:38:55 AM UTC-5, Sergiu Cornea wrote:
> Hi Martin, 
> Thank you for your response.
> This is the code I have developed: 
> http://pastebin.com/76SzwhZV
Are we to assume that the commented-out File declaration in that code is 
the one that causes the difficulty?  So that the error occurs with the 
definition below?

define omd::omd_create::omd_rules ( 
  $omd_site    = '', 
  $omd_service = [], 
  $omd_ip      = [], 
  $h           = {}, ) { 
  file { $title: 
    path    => '/omd/sites/test/etc/check_mk/multisite.d/wato/bi.mk', 
    ensure  => file, 
    content => template('omd/bi.mk.erb'), 

That would be completely believable.  Although the definition is not 
inherently erroneous, it only accommodates a single instance, because it 
declares a file resource with a fixed path, and any second instance will 
therefore attempt to declare a duplicate resource.

It's unclear what you're trying to do here.  If you are trying to manage 
separate files then of course you need to specify each one's name.  If you 
are trying to manage a single file with information gleaned from multiple 
resources, then then consider looking into the Concat module.  On the other 
hand, if you are indeed trying to manage a single file, then consider 
whether you can instead do it via a single resource -- it appears that your 
code could be modified to accommodate that, but it depends to some extent 
on how it is used, and what you want to do with it in the future.


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