On 5 Aug 2015 19:10, "Steve Wray" <st...@wtfast.com> wrote:
> I have a problem where a virtual resource has, in an early run, got the
wrong value. I've fixed the manifest so that the virtual resource gets the
correct values and I've rerun Puppet on the node that populates the virtual
resource. However when it is instantiated it still gets the old value.
> I've used 'puppet node clean' for both the node where the virtual
resource is created/populated and on the node where the virtual resource is
instantiated and its still coming in with the wrong value.
> If I drop the puppetdb database (its postgres) and rerun Puppet on both
sides the virtual resource gets the correct new values.
> This seems like a very extreme measure for an environment with many nodes
and many virtual resources, just to clean out one incorrect value.
> What is the correct way to fix this situation?


puppet node deactivate agent-hostname

on your master. That nullifies all exported resources for that host, which
then get repopulated on the next agent run.


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