
I want to write a type/provider for Sun Grid Engine/Open
Grid Scheduler/etc. configuration.

The configuration is (for the most part) managed by a pair
of commands, for example "qconf -sc" will show ("s") the
"complex" configuration, "qconf -mc" will invoke an editor
to modify ("m") it, and for some components "qconf -Mc
$file" can be called to replace the current configuration
with $file.  The configuration looks somewhat like:

| #name               shortcut   type        relop requestable consumable 
default  urgency
| arch                a          RESTRING    ==    YES         NO         NONE  
| calendar            c          RESTRING    ==    YES         NO         NONE  
| cpu                 cpu        DOUBLE      >=    YES         NO         0     
| [...]

This is strikingly similar to crontab where "crontab -l"
shows the configuration and "crontab" changes it, so I
looked at type/cron.rb and provider/cron/crontab.rb for in-
spiration, but the code is rather complex due to the subject
matter :-).

I searched the forge for Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile, but
the only match was
https://forge.puppetlabs.com/adrien/filemapper which explic-
itly recommends against using the former and advertises it-
self as a (better) alternative.

Is there a (simpler) example than crontab of how to use
Puppet::Provider::ParsedFile with a program as backend?


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