On Friday, July 17, 2015 at 2:31:11 AM UTC-5, bjoern pohl wrote:
> Hi,
> we're currently transforming some ugly perl-based management scripts 
> (which placed some config data on the client and then configured something 
> with it) to puppet.
> While it is definitely the best idea point to keep all that config data on 
> the master ( using hiera, puppetdb, etc..) i am currently looking for an 
> interim solution to incorporate some of this local config data into 
> centrally managed manifests/classes.
> Hiera is always using central hiera data while running the puppet agent 
> server-based and is not using any hiera files placed on the client by 
> default, is there some way to get around that ( perhaps with some kind of a 
> server->client precedence)? Hiera is installed on all clients.

Catalog building is performed on the master, therefore all hiera calls 
involved in catalog building -- including for automated data binding -- 
draw on the data present on the master (only).


> I know that I could achieve something like that with custom facts ( 
> generating facts from those locally placed config files) but this is quite 
> a lot and would bloat up facter :)

Facts are *the* way for nodes to dynamically provide data to the master to 
inform catalog building.  It is conceivable that you could build a custom 
function to provide some sort of network interface as an alternative, but 
it would probably be easier to just do the right thing by moving the data 
to the master.


> Or a more elegant way to get around that ( apart from putting that data 
> where it belongs: the puppetmaster :) )?

If you need the data for catalog building, then there is no possible 
alternative to putting on the master, either once for all or dynamically in 
conjunction with each catalog request.  There could be a bit of leeway 
around "on the master", in that you could perhaps rely on one or more 
network file systems to blur the distinction between "on the master" and 
"on the target node".  Also, "in conjunction with each catalog request" 
doesn't necessarily mean using custom facts, although that would be the 
most straightforward implementation.  A custom function or a custom Hiera 
back-end could also fit in this spot, given corresponding support on the 


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