> I can run 'puppet resource package' on a node to get a list of installed
> packages and version numbers.
> are those version numbers available through a PuppetDB(2.3) API query?

We don't currently store the version of pre-existing/unmanaged
resources. If you define a version explicitly, that gets compiled and
stored, but otherwise no.

This is something we are considering for future work however.

> the  http://localhost:8080/v3/catalogs/${NODE}
> call shows the desired end-state
>     "type" : "Package",
>     "title" : "libc6",
>     "parameters" : {
>        "ensure" : "latest"
>     },
> and
> curl -G 'http://localhost:8080/v3/events' --data-urlencode 'query=["and",
> ["=", "resource-type","Package"], ["=","resource-title","libc6"]]'
> will show what's changed or failed with libc6 .
> can I get the current package version number through an API call?

An alternative is to have this data be collected in a fact. If you
want all the package data, a well structured fact is suitable for
this. That will then get submitted each run, and can be queried via
the various facts endpoints.


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